The Early Morning Poet

The Early Morning Poet

Saturday, March 27, 2010


                          To live content with what I have; dream big
                                 and never hurry; anticipate every family
                                     occasion; gaze at the moon; count
                                      all the stars; sit quitely; listen to
                                         God speak; contemplate;
                                             be respectable and
                                              worthy; cut more
                                                flowers; dream
                                                 more dreams;
                                                   enjoy God's

Friday, March 26, 2010

Roses from Reuben

Last year on the day we were to celebrate Reuben's life I received a package in the mail from the national mail order rose catalog. Two rose bushes arrived that morning..ordered by Reuben months before. They were promptly planted by a brother-in-law...then groomed...weeded...mulched....and loved by me.

I bought a sign that gave more encouragement to the roses to GROW. And grow they did. This is a picture of their first growing season and now they are starting to bud again.

Roses will bloom again
just wait and see
his roses will bloom again
for his family and me!

On the day we were gathered to celebrate his life
two rose's were delivered to his family and wife
they looked withered and sad and I thought they had died
but we planted them quickly so they might survive.

These two little rose bushes
that we planted with care
They are again starting to bud
and soon a fragrance will fill the air.

There is hope in those roses that were sent from above
that we planted and weeded and tended with love
There is hope in the blossom's and the bushes we tend
It is a sign from above...the indeed hearts do mend!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Flowers!!

A few years ago when traveling in Arizona we stopped at a RV park and after registering the gentleman told us to park in the back along side the Oleander. We left registration with a confused look.

What is an Oleander? As we walked back to our motor home our heads were turning back and forth looking for the Oleander. Did he want us to park in back beside the maintenance shed and that garbage compactor sitting there is their Oleander?  Maybe he said park beside the "oily-tractor". I went back inside and he pointed us to the "Oleander". I had never heard of this flowering shrub. Beautiful..but deadly!!

The Oleander is a shrub with abundant beautiful flowers. The grow profusely in Arizona and the flowers are produced in many different colors and most are amazingly fragrant. But they are also one of the most poisonous plant in the world and contain numerous toxic compounds, which can be deadly. The toxidity of Oleander is considered extremely high.

The entire plant, even the sap is considered toxic. A single leaf can be fatal to a child. So my question is why are they still used as shrub borders along freeways and in school yards in California and Arizona?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My fancy friend!!

I have a good friend...I call her my fancy friend. The first of the week her husband Terry lost his long time battle with cancer, and my friend Kay lost her best friend. This morning over-whelmed with the pain she must be going through I wrote this poem for her.

A Candle for Terry!
Here's a candle for you, it's just a flicker of light
but it will remind you of him and help with the night.
When the world is dark and you are missing him so
just light the candle and be embraced by the glow.
It broke your heart to loose him but he did not go alone
for part of you went with him when God called him home.
I know your heart is sad with all the words you didn't say
just whisper the words to God and they will fly his way.
Just light the candle and think of him with a smile in your soul
and remember his suffering but now he's completely whole.
You didn't get to say goodbye and that is hard to abide
but he was escorted by angels and is now at God's side.
So just light the candle when the pain won't go away
and remember his smile and that is here to stay.
He is in a beautiful new world with no daarkness or pain
and the memories he left will always remain.
When you think of him then he will be near
when you open his favorite wine...his voice you will hear.
So light a candle for he is not really gone
with each flicker of the candle...his memory lives on!!

I love you Kay and my prayers are with you!!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Here it is March 1st  and I am procrastinating...again. When in fact I should be getting tax stuff rounded up, going through all my piled up mail that accumulated while gone for two months, or collecting all the dust bunnies running around my house....instead I am on my computer looking at and organizing all my flower pictures. I have discovered in the past year, since my husband passed away, I am not only a slob...I am also a procrastinator. But I have heard that perfectionists are usually procrastinators. So I'm a perfectionist??? Even though I have time to get tax information together today...I can't. I can't do it because it's only March and taxes aren't due until April 15th and somewhere along the line I decided that there's no sense in starting till April 1st. All too soon it's April and as always I have numerous other things I need to get done. So then comes Reuben's job...remind me daily..numerous times..until I decide on my own, I might add, that I really can't procrastinate any longer. You see how nothings happens until everthing lines up perfectly...and that my friend is why nothing ever happens.
But it stops today..I am through with procrastination. I have decided I need to start moving along in my life and make a few decisions on my own. So today without any encouragement from the day I start getting tax papers together. As soon as all my flowers are organized.... and then lunch with a friend..and then taxes. Well maybe I'll start tomorrow for sure!!