The Early Morning Poet

The Early Morning Poet

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Lately I have had more than a couple people ask me why no blog updates lately?  Maybe I have writers block...or maybe just not inspired. Then Sunday morning my Pastor inspired me. What a sermon!! He preached on James 4 ....the folly of money and the love of money. During his sermon I was thinking about stuff...and money.  Oh how I do love to accumulate for buying for buying more for buying for houses and then more money as I collect rent. I can't help from smirking as I count and stack my money...stacks and stacks of money. I love to play the money game. Buy lots of stuff and charge lots of rent and always...always pass GO and never go to jail. I am queen of the money the past I have amassed quite a Monopoly fortune. But at the end of the game I have to take all my stacks of money...all my hotels...all my property and put it back in the box.

Sometimes in life we loose track of our main goal and instead of putting our trust in the BIG "G"   GOD,  we instead start putting our trust in stuff....or the other 3 "G's"...Goods...Garments...and Gold. I think that's called stuff-trusting. If there was no God I guess stuff-trusting would be an OK thing to trust in. But there is a God and he wants us to trust in HIM....not stuff or money.

So I think what Pastor Dave was trying to get across to me is yes we should plan for the future but our plan should include God. Do not be haughty and think for one minute that you had anything to do with your accumulations. Everything is God's....God owns everything and gives us all things to enjoy. Be rich in good works, ready to give, and willing to share. It's just yours to play with while you are here so don't take it too serious. After all it's just like Monopoly money. It all goes back into the box when the game is over.


  1. Both our Pastor's had the same message. I truly need this message to remind me of my journey and what is important on this trip called life.

  2. It was a good sermon, wasn't it? Pastor Dave spoke to more of us than he probably realized - something for us to learn about money and priorities and the need to keep God Numero Uno in our lives! I have missed you, my friend, but it's OK to write when your heart says write and be silent when there's no writing flowing from your fingers.
