The Early Morning Poet

The Early Morning Poet

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Queen Sheba

Every good Captain should have a mascot and "The Promise" Has Queen Sheba. Sheba is going on thirteen years old and since she was a four week old kitten she has lived on the sail boat "promise".

When sailing she loves to roam the decks looking for a sunny spot to take in the sun.


                        She loves the birds eye view when sailing....

                              or maybe it's the cat's eye view

It's nap time...again!!

She is the queen.... she used to tolerate  me...but now she will come and sit on my lap. But she will ask permission first. Look me right in the eye and give a big ol MEOW..I say yes come on....and she get's herself situated for another nap.                                                                                                        


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

10 days later...

Today is the tenth day aboard sail boat "Promise" and I am thoroughly enjoying the beauty and splendor of these islands. We have been "hanging on the hook" in Dungeness Bay for the past 24 hours. My favorite and most beautiful spot so far. It's a  National Wildlife Refuge with the world's longest natural sand spit that softens the rough sea waves and forms a quite bay and harbor. I got up this morning at 5:00 AM to hopefully get a few good sunrise pictures.

But along with the good a few.... minor mishaps...have occurred. But to be fair to the Captain I guess I really should admit that leaving a propane burner on...without a tad bit more than minor. He then proceeded to give me a lesson regarding boats...propane...and fire. I still say I didn't do it...but since there's only the two of us on board, he choose me. But in all fairness to me I do have a very good excuse for all the minor mishaps that have been occurring these past 10 days. I have told him several times that this boat is haunted. Ghosts that push buttons that shouldn't be pushed... move my things about so they are constantly in the Captains way...remove batteries from his air mattress/bed. Yes it's true. When he went to put more air in his bed the pump wouldn't work and inspection revealed there were only three batteries. When he had aired it up 3 weeks previously he had installed the four needed batteries. Ghosts I say!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

New weight loss plan

Saturday June 17, 2011 ...Two Miles off the island of San Juan just hanging on the hook...that's sailboat talk for anchored. Yesterday we moored for the afternoon in Friday Harbor, the largest city in the islands. It's an enchanting little town with a mix of old and new establishments.

Kneeling required to get in refrigerator
The Captain told me that boat life  is hard...not like my previous traveling adventures in a 36 foot, self contained motor home. In fact he guaranteed me I would loose ten pounds over the next two months. I was a bit skeptic...but after almost a week aboard I now realize why he sounded so confident when he said it

stairs up to door..door height approx 3 ft

After being aboard the Promise almost a week I really wonder if I can make it two months. I'm really not a wimp or anything but after 5 full days aboard I'm absolutely sure I will be loosing a pound a day and I'm wondering this morning how can a 90 pound weakling be of any assistance what-so-ever.
This is the shower...The opening to the shower hits me mid-thigh.
I'm not short but I  have very short legs for my height..can be a little ticklish....just sayin!!
My herbs that I started from seeds at home are doing amazing!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Through the porthole!!

Tuesday June 14, 2011  Port Angles, Washington

Boarded sailboat "promise" about 10:00 PM Sunday evening.
             "Looking through the porthole"

After hearing about the "adventure" (if that's what it's called) the guys had on their 36 hour ocean voyage I am extremely glad Warren talked me out of going on that part of the trip...and I realized what I learn in the next two months will determine if I will be a help or a hindrance on the return voyage.

Took Ed and Carol sailing yesterday. Ed was the Captain's helper on the ocean trip and I drove up with his girlfriend Carol on Sunday. It was shirt sleeve weather for the first couple of hours and then a storm blew in.

Lesson #1 steering the boat

            Note the blue sky

A girlfriend of mine is arriving tomorrow to spend a week with me on the boat. After she gets here we are sailing for the island of San Juan...about a 7 hour sail depending on the wind.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Revised plan #5

Oh we are almost mid-June...well a really good start anyway. No one calls me lately...why? because they think I'm sailing...but I forgive them because after all I have been leaving on a sail boat for almost 6 weeks now. We have had a lot of revised plans...we are now on revised plan number #5...and NO there will not be a plan #6. So in the next week or so be looking for blog updates from me aboard the "Promise".

My garden is going to miss me...but not as much as I will miss my garden. With all the rain we've had lately at least I can say my garden loves it.  A sign I have in my garden says it all:

If your lucky enough to have a garden
you are lucky enough.

The roses Reub sent me!

beautiful color!!

My secret garden...