The Early Morning Poet

The Early Morning Poet

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My fancy friend!!

I have a good friend...I call her my fancy friend. The first of the week her husband Terry lost his long time battle with cancer, and my friend Kay lost her best friend. This morning over-whelmed with the pain she must be going through I wrote this poem for her.

A Candle for Terry!
Here's a candle for you, it's just a flicker of light
but it will remind you of him and help with the night.
When the world is dark and you are missing him so
just light the candle and be embraced by the glow.
It broke your heart to loose him but he did not go alone
for part of you went with him when God called him home.
I know your heart is sad with all the words you didn't say
just whisper the words to God and they will fly his way.
Just light the candle and think of him with a smile in your soul
and remember his suffering but now he's completely whole.
You didn't get to say goodbye and that is hard to abide
but he was escorted by angels and is now at God's side.
So just light the candle when the pain won't go away
and remember his smile and that is here to stay.
He is in a beautiful new world with no daarkness or pain
and the memories he left will always remain.
When you think of him then he will be near
when you open his favorite wine...his voice you will hear.
So light a candle for he is not really gone
with each flicker of the candle...his memory lives on!!

I love you Kay and my prayers are with you!!

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