The Early Morning Poet

The Early Morning Poet

Monday, May 17, 2010


NOTE TO SELF...remember that as we make plans..God is smiling.

He must be smiling an awful lot lately...because it seems lately nothing goes as I plan. I go on a diet and plan on loosing some weight, this morning I stepped on the scales and decided to give my scales away to some needy family. I plan an amazing dinner and guests time I'm planning SOUP. I spray my weeds and it rains and washes the weed killer away. I really dislike change..and I'm perfectly willing to compromise but it seems God wants to have everything His own way. I was really hoping that by this time in my life I could just breathe a deep sigh and say, "Oh, so this is how life works! Now I understand! Now I can settle back and just enjoy it."  But surprise...Seems I catch on to one thing and get really good at it and then it's over, and all the expertise I gained is no longer needed.

I didn't plan to celebrate Mother's day without a mother...or to celebrate my husbands birthday with out him.  Note to research to determine if it's wierd to even want to celebrate his birthday without him.

So feeling kinda down this morning....OK I guess what I'm really feeling is poor...poor..pitiful me!!
So I decided to come up witih three GOOD things to focus on instead of myself.

1. On Saturday night my son was out of town so I invited my daughter in law and grandkids (4) over for a slumber party. What a grand time we had eating spaghetti and garlic bread...lots and lots of garlic bread. (Oh maybe that's why I'm mad at my scales this morning)

2. Went for a wonderful hike in the country. Saw beautiful wild flowers and stopped to play with some new born puppies. Then home to a good book and a nap on my porch swing while listening to the water cascade over the rocks in my beautiful water grden.

3. Rembering pastor Ron's sermon on Sunday and the fact that God never changes!! What a great thing to remember in this life of constant changes.

1 comment:

  1. We never get to a place where we don't have to trust Him, do we? And no, it's not weird to celebrate Reuben's birthday - we celebrate my dad's birthday to honor the life God gave him! Pastor Ron's message was wonderful and I'm still meditating on it.
